"Reader Beware" - is my advice to everybody for any and all "news" stories and information these days. I say that as a degreed and independent alternative journalist and having spent too much of his career working with main stream media. Even the information I produce myself now independently, I must sometime question because it is presented through my personal filters of demographics, psychographics, sources, etcetera. While there is indeed ultimate TRUTH, the journey towards it is filled with many deceptions.
"Service-to-Others" - is the mantra I have adopted for my personal and professional lives, all lives. It is the good advice (mandate) recently provided all of Humanity originally by Jesus and plethora of ascende masters, more recently again via the Sphere Being Alliance and it is the rule to which I will approach this blog. If I cannot immediately recognize how original disclosure type news and information I've learned may immediately help others or if this same information is already widely available elsewhere - I won't waste blog space or our time. While this concept may sound easy enough, I have learned through consciously working daily to incorporate it as a lifestyle, this method of existence is far from easy. In fact, I have learned through introspection, the plethora of times in my life I was confident my actions and decisions were intending to help others, on second review ultimately served myself. Career, family, relationships, even conscious charity - ultimately led back to my ego's intention of gaining something. I think simply recognizing these patterns is a big first step in learning how to live a life of "Service-to-Others." It will be a topic frequently explored on this blog.
"Typos" - are not always what they may first appear here. You will likely notice, I capitalize certain words like "Humanity" and refuse to capitalize certain other words that I feel undeserving. If I can, I will avoid certain words completely. You may notice I will use the word "Extraterrestrial" over "Alien." I consciously define beings as intelligently as I am able with my present knowledge base. This writing style will become more evident to those reading my work and hopefully the reasons for it too. I feel in the years to come, all journalism students will come to learn these changes in basic style, at least when writing about Humanity. I hope. Because I've come to learn we must take power where we can access it, even if it is as simple and perhaps as seemingly minuscule as what words we capitalize and those we don't. It is about a choice; recognizing where we have choices, where we don't and what choices are available to us.
"Service-to-Others" is the mantra for this blog and all keys my fingers touch here. "Service-to-Others" is easy enough to say, though as I have been learning, this idea is not nearly as easy to live as it may initially sound. I intend to only post when I feel I may be able to share something "new" and helpful with others in this Age of Disclosure. The "Comments" sections is open to encourage you to do the same. Thank you!
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