Tuesday, June 21, 2016

The Boyd Ed Graves Foundation for AIDS Research

The Boyd Ed Graves Foundation for AIDS Research recently founded by the late human rights activist's publisher, Joel Bales, in order to archive, honor and continue Dr. Graves' work is actively seeking private donations to help pay the overhead of the fledgling organization and eventually also fund a memorial scholarship.
The foundation maintains Dr. Graves' research archives and promotes Dr. Graves work with archive uploads. Dr. Graves' collection of US Special Virus documents is the largest and most comprehensive collection of these documents in the world. Please help us keep the online for free download.
Donations can be made on-line instanly or financial instruments mailed to:
Donate On-line instanly
NOAH / Zygote Media
PO Box 411
Abilene, KS 67410

Boyd Ed Graves the man who solved AIDS / radio archive Feb 2003

Dr. Boyd Ed Graves July 2, 1954 - June 9, 2009

Boyd Ed Graves on Victor Thorne Show February 23. 2003


Wednesday, June 8, 2016

"There are no unanswered questions."

This was originally a real-time writing exercise about the late Human rights activist Dr. Boyd Ed Graves, which was brought to my attention today (two years later) by a Facebook robot.  I've decided to share writings like these with more people in more ways, including this journal.
"There are no unanswered questions." - Dr. Boyd E. Graves, International Humanitarian Activist & American Patriot (1954 - 2009)

Dr. Graves made that same declarative, just in such a matter of fact fashion - like saying it was Monday because it was Monday. His eyes on his hands' work never move, his work - the work of the People - never diverting, shuffling through the fresh newly laser printed papers - he knows the answer to every question before it will be asked. He's an attorney. That's part of his job. One staple to attach each page of the brief to each other in prerequisite order; ensuring triplicate copies for the court clerk, stapled exactly .75 inches below the top, .5 inches to the right, with the staple being exactly 45 degrees angled to the paper's top left corner edge, per US Supreme Court regulation. He hand filed the Peoples' brief with the U.S. Supreme Court clerk April 11 2001. Alleging a Global Genocide effort via institutions including the World Health Organization, as is evidenced inside the pages of the annual progress reports published annually by the National Institute of Health and National Cacer Institutes quietly, covertly under the auspices of the official and formerly secret, US Special Virus Program (1962 - 1978); Dr. Grave's case immediately garnered attention by an international consortium of certain family dynasties and institutions traditionally devoted to the scientifically unsubstantiated practice of Eugenics. 

Because the facts were so damning and the dynamics of stake holders so volatile, Dr. Grave's discoveries and arguments remained misunderstood by the planet's average populace, even yet to the time stamp of this sentence, the same conditions apply. Manipulated, the issue was expiditously whitewashed using a bag of dirty mind control tricks against Jane & John Joe Public, folks in ' the biz' call marketing, public relations, history, history books, news, (MERS aka Middle Eastern Respiratory Syndrome... yet again must force body not to laugh @ the utter absurdities of said 'news' being sold to me, because premeditated murder against one person, one nation is a crime against US ALL and premeditated murder is not often funny. Today's issues are the same dagers Americans faced together (100% Involuntarily) since before the man-made 'Spanish Flu' of 1918 literally took the world by storm - killing a large percent of the planet'$ Human population. The same dynastic interests are evidenced both in font of and behind the scenes and the same historically dangerous genocide-4-profits-Green-Recycld-Sanitized families played overwhelming evidence of global genocide off into yet anther non related, yet nonetheless critical geopolitical tension, hush-hush-$hut-your-mouth Internal investigations, one real life Congressional witch hunt, (Cut to Traficant story here) .

Remembering the surrealistic era following the days after the world's governments were briefed on the veracity ofclaims against American at large began learning to accept the shock that a self righteous soveriegn America not only made AIDS in a lab, intent to release and had a bioweapon program. . While millions of billions of dollars worth of new U.S. Foreign AID dulled much of the initial political and moral outrage against America's utter greed and arrogance. rather a series of decisions the American government's amoral decisions.made our puppet African & 'Allies' Abroad forget , add to taste complete domestic media black out for national security excuses . Referred to by insiders as, 'The Double 'O' Ninety-Five Eighty-Seven' issue, case, or problem, and soon after sufficient time elapsed - it became an effect. The clerk took the veritable manuscripts from his hands, placing each on her desk, she efficiently produced a ruler and began measuring margins, the staple installations and analyzing for other criteria, including but not limited to; paper color, paper brightness rating, paper weight, type, ink color, type, font, font sizes, line spacing, word spacing, character off-set, ad infinitum. 

After successfully meeting all specified weight and measures as regulated, then - only then are they officially accepted into the office with the court clerk's proverbial rubber stamp as indicated by a real rubber stamped seal (stamped on the right side of the paper per the regulated location defined by statute)... 

There is no unanswered question. 

Because Dr. Graves made this statement often and in plethora of circumstances, my question is, "Based on your knowledge of Dr. Graves and the man's life's work, did Dr. Boyd Graves intend the most pragmatic and literal interpretation of the expression be mostly considered? Or inversely, the most philosophical? Perhaps both and both equally, or both, tho unequally or neither? ...Or, may one reasonably consider it total and complete sarcasm? Understanding that nothing can be perfectly understood and answered. Can some form of an idealistic communication paradox be recognised when attempting to reconcile Dr. Grave's words with his actions. Perhaps, like Dr. Graves himself, the declarative being explored, is in truth - an enigmatic interrogative....what is the best most inclusive answer, conclusion?
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Joel Bales Note2$elf: (Raw Copy real time writing exercise 4 me 2 read, review & return graded.)

Thursday, June 2, 2016

Evidence of the Sphere Being Alliance?

Photos by Mike Boryca April 21, 2016 Nebraska

Cuethra?       Extra Moons? 
Planet X, Nibiru, Wormwood? 

Photos by Mike Boryca April 21, 2016 Nebraska

Evidence of the Sphere Being Alliance? 
These amazing photos were taken by Michael Boryca while trying to capture the full moon from his home in Nebraska around 1:40AM on Sunday April 24, 2016 on a Canon digital camera. I asked Michael to share the photos with me because he said there were "planets" in the frame. When the images were sent to me, it instantly reminded me of other anomalous photos I've been capturing throughout the web lately which I believe to be evidence of the Sphere Being Alliance as described by secret space program whistle-blower Mr. Corey Goode. After inverting and adjusting contrast and brightness, I was convinced. See also: www.SphereBeingAlliance.com 

Have Evidence Photos? Please share with me that I may share with others and please include your name and info for credits to adastraeg@gmail.com - Thank you. 

A Russian Warning & American Lives


9:00 PM (50 minutes ago)
to AmericanGulfWarVeteransAssociation
From Peter Kawaja: Because I care for "American Lives" - I post this document, not in support of Russia nor any other agenda but in support to keep Americans SAFE & ALIVE.  If anyone does not like this post - take the matter up with The US MILITARY INDUSTRIAL COMPLEX, THE WAR DEPARTMENT (DOD), The President of the USA. http://americangulfwarveteransassociation.org/

A Russian Warning
If there is going to be a war with Russia, then the United States will most certainly be destroyed, and most of us will end up dead.

Thus, if tomorrow a war were to break out between the US and Russia, it is guaranteed that the US would be obliterated. At a minimum, there would no longer be an electric grid, no internet, no oil and gas pipelines, no interstate highway system, no air transportation or GPS-based navigation. Financial centers would lie in ruins. Government at every level would cease to function. US armed forces, stationed all around the globe, would no longer be resupplied. At a maximum, the entire landmass of the US would be covered by a layer of radioactive ash. We tell you this not to be alarmist, but because, based on everything we know, we are ourselves alarmed. If attacked, Russia will not back down; she will retaliate, and she will utterly annihilate the United States.

The US leadership has done everything it could to push the situation to the brink of disaster. First, its anti-Russian policies have convinced the Russian leadership that making concessions or negotiating with the West is futile. It has become apparent that the West will always support any individual, movement or government that is anti-Russian, be it tax-cheating Russian oligarchs, convicted Ukrainian war criminals, Saudi-supported Wahhabi terrorists in Chechnya or cathedral-desecrating punks in Moscow. Now that NATO, in violation of its previous promises, has expanded right up to the Russian border, with US forces deployed in the Baltic states, within artillery range of St. Petersburg, Russia’s second-largest city, the Russians have nowhere left to retreat. They will not attack; nor will they back down or surrender. The Russian leadership enjoys over 80% of popular support; the remaining 20% seems to feel that it is being too soft in opposing Western encroachment. But Russia will retaliate, and a provocation or a simple mistake could trigger a sequence of events that will end with millions of Americans dead and the US in ruins.

Unlike many Americans, who see war as an exciting, victorious foreign adventure, the Russians hate and fear war. But they are also ready for it, and they have been preparing for war for several years now. Their preparations have been most effective. Unlike the US, which squanders untold billions on dubious overpriced arms programs such as the F-35 joint task fighter, the Russians are extremely stingy with their defense rubles, getting as much as 10 times the bang for the buck compared to the bloated US defense industry. While it is true that the Russian economy has suffered from low energy prices, it is far from being in shambles, and a return to growth is expected as early as next year. Senator John McCain once called Russia “A gas station masquerading as a country.” Well, he lied. Yes, Russia is the world’s largest oil producer and second-largest oil exporter, but it is also world’s largest exporter of grain and nuclear power technology. It is as advanced and sophisticated a society as the United States. Russia’s armed forces, both conventional and nuclear, are now ready to fight, and they are more than a match for the US and NATO, especially if a war erupts anywhere near the Russian border. 

But such a fight would be suicidal for all sides. We strongly believe that a conventional war in Europe runs a strong chance of turning nuclear very rapidly, and that any US/NATO nuclear strike on Russian forces or territory will automatically trigger a retaliatory Russian nuclear strike on the continental US. Contrary to irresponsible statements made by some American propagandists, American antiballistic missile systems are incapable of shielding the American people from a Russian nuclear strike. Russia has the means to strike at targets in the USA with long-range nuclear as well as conventional weapons.

The sole reason why the USA and Russia have found themselves on a collision course, instead of defusing tensions and cooperating on a wide range of international problems, is the stubborn refusal by the US leadership to accept Russia as an equal partner: Washington is dead set on being the “world leader” and the “indispensable nation,” even as its influence steadily dwindles in the wake of a string of foreign policy and military disasters such as Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, Syria, Yemen and the Ukraine. Continued American global leadership is something that neither Russia, nor China, nor most of the other countries are willing to accept. This gradual but apparent loss of power and influence has caused the US leadership to become hysterical; and it is but a small step from hysterical to suicidal. America’s political leaders need to be placed under suicide watch.

First and foremost, we are appealing to the commanders of the US Armed Forces to follow the example of Admiral William Fallon, who, when asked about a war with Iran, reportedly replied “not on my watch.” We know that you are not suicidal, and that you do not wish to die for the sake of out-of-touch imperial hubris. If possible, please tell your staff, colleagues and, especially, your civilian superiors that a war with Russia will not happen on your watch. At the very least, take that pledge yourselves, and, should the day ever come when the suicidal order is issued, refuse to execute it on the grounds that it is criminal. Remember that according to the Nuremberg Tribunal “To initiate a war of aggression… is not only an international crime; it is the supreme international crime differing only from other war crimes in that it contains within itself the accumulated evil of the whole.” Since Nuremberg, “I was just following orders” is no longer a valid defense; please don’t be war criminals.

We also appeal to the American people to take peaceful but forceful action to oppose any politician or party that engages in irresponsible, provocative Russia-baiting, and that condones and supports a policy of needless confrontation with a nuclear superpower that is capable of destroying America in about an hour. Speak up, break through the barrier of mass media propaganda, and make your fellow Americans aware of the immense danger of a confrontation between Russia and the US.

There is no objective reason why US and Russia should consider each other adversaries. The current confrontation is entirely the result of the extremist views of the neoconservative cult, whose members were allowed to infiltrate the US Federal government under President Bill Clinton, and who consider any country that refuses to obey their dictates as an enemy to be crushed. Thanks to their tireless efforts, over a million innocent people have already died in the former Yugoslavia, in Afghanistan, in Iraq, Libya, Syria, Pakistan, the Ukraine, Yemen, Somalia and in many other countries—all because of their maniacal insistence that the USA must be a world empire, not a just a regular, normal country, and that every national leader must either bow down before them, or be overthrown. In Russia, this irresistible force has finally encountered an immovable object. They must be forced to back down before they destroy us all.

We are absolutely and categorically certain that Russia will never attack the US, nor any EU member state, that Russia is not at all interested in recreating the USSR, and that there is no “Russian threat” or “Russian aggression.” Much of Russia’s recent economic success has a lot to do with the shedding of former Soviet dependencies, allowing her to pursue a “Russia first” policy. But we are just as certain that if Russia is attacked, or even threatened with attack, she will not back down, and that the Russian leadership will not “blink.” 
With great sadness and a heavy heart they will do their sworn duty and unleash a nuclear barrage from which the United States will never recover. Even if the entire Russian leadership is killed in a first strike, the so-called “Dead Hand” (the “Perimetr” system) will automatically launch enough nukes to wipe the USA off the political map. We feel that it is our duty to do all we can to prevent such a catastrophe.

Evgenia Gurevich, Ph.D.
Victor Katsap, PhD, Sr. Scientist
NuFlare Technology America, Inc.
Dmitry Orlov

The Saker (A. Raevsky)

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My 1st post notice & disclaimer(s)

"Reader Beware" - is my advice to everybody for any and all "news" stories and information these days. I say that as a degreed and independent alternative journalist and having spent too much of his career working with main stream media. Even the information I produce myself now independently, I must sometime question because it is presented through my personal filters of demographics, psychographics, sources, etcetera. While there is indeed ultimate TRUTH, the journey towards it is filled with many deceptions.

"Service-to-Others" - is the mantra I have adopted for my personal and professional lives, all lives. It is the good advice (mandate) recently provided all of Humanity originally by Jesus and plethora of ascende masters, more recently again via the Sphere Being Alliance and it is the rule to which I will approach this blog. If I cannot immediately recognize how original disclosure type news and information I've learned may immediately help others or if this same information is already widely available elsewhere - I won't waste blog space or our time.  While this concept may sound easy enough, I have learned through consciously working daily to incorporate it as a lifestyle, this method of existence is far from easy. In fact, I have learned through introspection, the plethora of times in my life I was confident my actions and decisions were intending to help others, on second review ultimately served myself. Career, family, relationships, even conscious charity - ultimately led back to my ego's intention of gaining something. I think simply recognizing these patterns is a big first step in learning how to live a life of "Service-to-Others." It will be a topic frequently explored on this blog.

"Typos" - are not always what they may first appear here. You will likely notice, I capitalize certain words like "Humanity" and refuse to capitalize certain other words that I feel undeserving. If I can, I will avoid certain words completely. You may notice I will use the word "Extraterrestrial" over "Alien." I consciously define beings as intelligently as I am able with my present knowledge base. This writing style will become more evident to those reading my work and hopefully the reasons for it too. I feel in the years to come, all journalism students will come to learn these changes in basic style, at least when writing about Humanity. I hope. Because I've come to learn we must take power where we can access it, even if it is as simple and perhaps as seemingly minuscule as what words we capitalize and those we don't. It is about a choice; recognizing where we have choices, where we don't and what choices are available to us.